The International Schools of Temple Arts 

Level 1 Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience
Group Agreements
I agree to breathe, to feel, to be present and to be authentic. 

I agree to maintain confidentiality. This means not disclosing any individual’s identities, stories, 
and experiences. I am free to speak about my own experience in the training. 

I agree to show up for class each day at the agreed upon time for the duration of the training. 

I understand that everything that occurs during this training (from opening circle to closing circle) is part of the transformational process of the event. 

I agree to request support, guidance, and help using clear direct requests when I desire it. 

I agree to be coachable and I am open to feedback and direction from facilitators. 

I agree to take full responsibility for the nature of my experience. 

This course is designed to awaken powerful emotional energies. I agree to use the tools, techniques and philosophies being taught to process these emotions. 

i agree to maintain a non-violent environment in the training, i.e. making sure not to damage myself, anyone or anything around me. 

I agree to refrain from drugs and alcohol during the training.
I agree to not gossip on the training about others, and to speak directly to the person I have an issue with. If someone attempts to gossip with me about others, I agree to support them to speak directly to the person concerned.
I agree to ask people if they want feedback before I give it to them, and at a time that is suitable for both of us.
I agree to allow people to have their experience and not intervene unless they ask for support: i.e not passing tissues and not giving touch, hugs or advice that has not been requested.
I understand that this retreat explores sexuality. As an adult I agree to be responsible for my own sexual experiences and interactions with others (including facilitators). If I choose to act on my or others desires, I will use clear direct verbal communication and safer sex practices.
If at any time I feel that the training is not appropriate for me or I wish to leave the training, I agree to bring my concerns directly to the course facilitators.
I understand that if I break these agreements, I may be compromising the value I could receive from this training.
Printed Name ___________________________________________
Date ___________________________________________
Signature _________________________________