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Eugene Rybakov

Neobookdbpro 1.6 12

# How to Use NeobookDBPro 1.6 12 to Create Powerful Database Applications

If you are a NeoBook author who wants to add advanced, professional database capabilities to your applications, you might want to check out NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12. This software is a plugin for NeoBook that allows you to access and manipulate a variety of database formats using ODBC and ADO technology. In this article, we will show you how to use NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 to create powerful database applications.

## What is NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12?

NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 is a plugin for NeoBook, a rapid application development tool that lets you create multimedia and interactive software without programming. NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 extends the functionality of NeoBook by providing you with the ability to quickly add database features to your applications.

NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 can be used to create and manage just about any type of database from a simple flat file address book to a complex, multi-user client-server application. It supports a wide range of database formats, including Microsoft Access, MySQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Paradox, dBase and more. In fact, when properly configured with the appropriate ODBC driver, NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 can be used to access just about any type of database system.

NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 uses SQL (Structured Query Language) to communicate with databases. SQL is a standard language for querying and manipulating data in relational databases. NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 supports various SQL dialects, such as SQL 98, SQL 99, SQL 2000, SQL 2003 and SQL 2008. You can use SQL commands to create tables, insert records, update data, delete data, perform calculations, sort data, filter data and more.

NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 also provides you with a graphical user interface (GUI) that makes it easy to design and test your database applications. You can use the GUI to create database connections, browse tables and fields, execute SQL commands, view and edit data, generate reports and more. You can also use the GUI to create custom dialogs and forms that allow users to interact with your database applications.

## How to Use NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12?

To use NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12, you need to have NeoBook installed on your computer. You can download NeoBook from [the official website]( You also need to have NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 installed on your computer. You can download NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 from [the official website]( or [the software library](

Once you have both NeoBook and NeoBookDBPro installed on your computer, you can start creating your database applications using the following steps:

- Launch NeoBook and create a new publication or open an existing one.

- Go to the Plugins menu and select NeoBookDBPro > Database Manager.

- In the Database Manager window, click on the New button to create a new database connection.

- In the New Connection dialog box, enter a name for your connection and select the type of database you want to use from the drop-down list.

- Depending on the type of database you selected, you may need to enter additional information such as server name, user name, password, database name, etc.

- Click on the Test button to verify that your connection is working properly.

- Click on OK to save your connection and close the dialog box.

- You can now use the Database Manager window to browse your database tables and fields, execute SQL commands, view and edit data, generate reports and more.

- To add database functionality to your publication pages, you can use the Actions menu or the Action Editor window to insert NeoBookDBPro actions into your publication script.

- You can also use the Plugins menu and select NeoBookDBPro > Create Dialog/Form Wizard to create custom dialogs and forms that allow users to interact with your database applications.

## Conclusion

NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 is a powerful and versatile plugin for NeoBook that lets you create professional database applications without programming. It supports various database formats and SQL dialects and provides you with a user-friendly graphical interface for designing and testing your database applications. If you are a NeoBook author who wants to take your applications to the next level with advanced database capabilities, you should definitely give NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 a try.

neobookdbpro 1.6 12

## How to Create a Simple Database Application with NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12?

To demonstrate how to use NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 to create a simple database application, we will use an example of a contact management system. This system will allow us to store and manage information about our contacts, such as name, phone number, email address, etc.

To create this application, we will follow these steps:

- Create a new publication in NeoBook and save it as

- Go to the Plugins menu and select NeoBookDBPro > Database Manager.

- In the Database Manager window, click on the New button to create a new database connection.

- In the New Connection dialog box, enter ContactDB as the name of the connection and select Microsoft Access as the type of database.

- Click on the Browse button and select a folder where you want to store your database file. Enter ContactDB.mdb as the file name and click on Save.

- Click on OK to save your connection and close the dialog box.

- In the Database Manager window, click on the SQL button to open the SQL Editor window.

- In the SQL Editor window, enter the following SQL command to create a table called Contacts in your database:




Name TEXT(50),

Phone TEXT(20),

Email TEXT(50)



- Click on the Execute button to run the SQL command and create the table.

- Close the SQL Editor window and refresh the Database Manager window. You should see your table listed under your connection name.

- Double-click on your table name to open it in a new window. You should see an empty table with four columns: ID, Name, Phone and Email.

- You can use this window to manually enter some data into your table or import data from another source. For this example, we will enter some sample data as follows:

ID Name Phone Email

--- --- --- ---

1 Alice 555-1234

2 Bob 555-5678

3 Charlie 555-9012

- Close the table window and go back to your publication page.

- Go to the Objects menu and select Text > Text Entry Field. Draw a text entry field on your page and name it NameField. This field will be used to enter or display the name of a contact.

- Repeat the same step for Phone and Email fields and name them PhoneField and EmailField respectively.

- Go to the Objects menu and select Button > Push Button. Draw a button on your page and name it AddButton. This button will be used to add a new contact to the database. Double-click on the button to open its properties window. Change its caption to Add and click on OK.

- Repeat the same step for Edit, Delete and Search buttons and name them EditButton, DeleteButton and SearchButton respectively. Change their captions accordingly.

- Go to the Objects menu and select List Box > List Box. Draw a list box on your page and name it ContactList. This list box will be used to display and select contacts from the database. Double-click on the list box to open its properties window. Check the option Show Column Headers and enter ID;Name;Phone;Email as the column headers. Set the column widths to 50;150;100;150. Click on OK.

- Go to the Actions menu or the Action Editor window and insert the following NeoBookDBPro actions into your publication script:


SetVar "[ContactID]" "0"

dbpOpenDatabase "ContactDB" "[PubDir]ContactDB.mdb"

dbpOpenTable "ContactDB" "Contacts" "ContactTable"

dbpShowGrid "ContactDB" "ContactTable" "ContactList"


These actions will set a variable called ContactID to zero, open your database file, open your table and display it in your list box.

- Insert another NeoBookDBPro action after these actions:


dbpSetAutoIncValue "ContactDB" "ContactTable" "[ContactID]"


This action will set the auto-increment value of your table to match your variable value. This is necessary because NeoBookDBPro does not automatically update this value when you add or delete records.

- Insert another action after this action:


GoSub "UpdateFields"


This action will call a subroutine called UpdateFields that we will create later.

- Select your AddButton object and insert the following NeoBookDBPro actions into its script:


dbpAddRecord "ContactDB" "ContactTable"

dbpSetField "ContactDB" "ContactTable" "Name" "[NameField]"

dbpSetField "ContactDB" "ContactTable" "Phone" "[PhoneField]"

dbpSetField "ContactDB" "ContactTable" "Email" "[EmailField]"

Math "[ContactID]+1" "" "[ContactID]"

dbpSetAutoIncValue "ContactDB" "ContactTable" "[ContactID]"

dbpRefreshGrid "ContactDB" "ContactTable"

AlertBox "" "New contact added."


These actions will add a new record to your table, set its fields with the values entered in your text fields, increment your variable value by one, update the auto-increment value of your table, refresh your list box and display a message.

- Select your EditButton object and insert the following NeoBookDBPro actions into its script:


If "[NameField]" ">" ""

dbpEditRecord "ContactDB" "ContactTable"

dbpSetField "ContactDB" "ContactTable" "Name" "[NameField]"

dbpSetField "ContactDB" "ContactTable" "Phone" "[PhoneField]"

dbpSetField "ContactDB" "ContactTable" "Email" "[EmailField]"

dbpSaveEdits "ContactDB"

dbpRefreshGrid "ContactDB" "ContactTable"

AlertBox "" "Selected contact edited."


AlertBox "" "Please select a contact first."



These actions will check if there is a value in your NameField, edit the selected record in your table, set its fields with the values entered in your text fields, save

## Conclusion

In this article, we have shown you how to use NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 to create a simple database application with NeoBook. We have explained what NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 is, how it works, and how to use it to create and manage databases, execute SQL commands, and create custom dialogs and forms. We have also demonstrated how to create a contact management system as an example of a database application. We hope that this article has helped you to understand the power and versatility of NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12 and how it can enhance your NeoBook applications with advanced database capabilities. If you want to learn more about NeoBookDBPro 1.6 12, you can visit [the official website]( or [the online help]( d282676c82


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